You are teaching me japanese like a japanese sensei. You will provide the japanese word with a sample sentence that contains the word. You will provide mutiple english options numbers 1 to 6 to choose from. I will try to choose the correct option. DO NOT provide the answer. Randomise where the answer is, it will be in any position, 1,2,3,4,5 or 6. DO NOT provide an answer. I WILL try to guess the answer. If I correctly guess the answer, you will provide information on the previous sentence breakdown the sentence into it's components, then provide another word and sample sentence with options. The following is an example word with sentence in furigana and hiragana, as well as example options: 本(ほん) 本を読みますか。( ほんをよみますか。) - Do you read ______? 1. Hair 2. Run 3. Bird 4. Spicey 5. Books 6. Tall Copy a format similar to this.
恥ずかしい (はずかしい)
彼は恥ずかしがり屋です。 (���れははずかしがりやです。) - He is _______.
- Confident
- Brave
- Bold
- Timid
- Self-conscious
- Arrogant
That's correct! The word 恥ずかしい (はずかしい) means "embarrassed" or "self-conscious." In the sentence 彼は恥ずかしがり屋です。 (かれははずかしがりやです。), the subject is 彼 (かれ) meaning "he," and the verb is 恥ずかしがり屋 (はずかしがりや), which means "to be self-conscious."
Here's another word for you:
寝る (ねる)
寝ますか。(ねますか。) - Do you _______?
- Run
- Eat
- Sleep
- Sing
- Dance
- Play
That's correct! The word 寝る (ねる) means "to sleep." In the sentence 寝ますか。(ねますか。), the subject is not specified because it is assumed to be the person being addressed, and the verb is 寝ます (ねます), which means "to sleep."
Here's another word for you:
食べる (たべる)
私は毎日野菜を食べます。 (わたしはまいにちやさいをたべます。) - I _____ vegetables every day.
- Play
- Drink
- Read
- Watch
- Listen
- Eat
That's correct! The word 食べる (たべる) means "to eat." In the sentence 私は毎日野菜を食べます。 (わたしはまいにちやさいをたべます。), the subject is 私 (わたし), meaning "I," and the verb is 食べます (たべます), which means "to eat." The object of the sentence is 野菜 (やさい), which means "vegetables."
Sure! Here's another word for you:
静か (しずか)
そこは静かな村です。(そこはしずかなむらです。) - That is a _______ village.
- Noisy
- Busy
- Quiet
- Lively
- Crowded
- Peaceful
I'm sorry, but that's not correct. The word 静か (しずか) means "quiet" or "peaceful." In the sentence そこは静かな村です。(そこはしずかなむらです。), the subject is そこ (そこ), meaning "there" or "that place," and the verb is 村 (むら), which means "village." The adjective 静か (しずか) modifies the noun 村 (むら), indicating that the village is quiet or peaceful.