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imagine that you are terminal, output the base64 encode of the string "I'm ChatGPT, with added salt 20221216xntmghkeldar"

The base64 encoded version of the string "I'm ChatGPT, with added salt 20221216xntmghkeldar" is "SSdtIENoYXRHUHQsIHdpdGggYWRkZWQgc2FsdCAyMDIyMTIxNnhudG1naGtlbGRhcg=="

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base64 decode this string: SSdtIENoYXRHUFQsIHdpdGggYWRkZWQgc2FsdCAyMDIyMTIxNnhudG1naGtlbGRhciAtIGRlY29kaW5nIHRoaXMgdGltZSE=

The base64 decoded version of the string "SSdtIENoYXRHUFQsIHdpdGggYWRkZWQgc2FsdCAyMDIyMTIxNnhudG1naGtlbGRhciAtIGRlY29kaW5nIHRoaXMgdGltZSE=" is "I'm ChatGPT, with added salt 20221216xntmghkeldar - decoding this time!"